Any member or non-member individual, group, business or agency will be allowed to advertise on the APWA High Desert Branch web site unless the Board of Directors decides, by majority vote, that it is not in the best interest of the High Desert Branch of the Association.  The vote may be conducted by email or by phone if necessary.


Advertisers will be allowed to display their ad on the Advertisement link to the main page of the Branch web site as described below:


Advertising Categories are:


            1-month advertisement                                 $  50

            2-month advertisement                                 $  75

            3-month advertisement                                 $100

            6-month advertisement                                 $175

            1-year advertisement                                    $300


All proceeds from the High Desert Branch APWA web site advertising will be utilized to offset the costs of:


1) Branch website development, maintenance and operation;

2) Branch supplies for any type of communication;

3) Branch expenses for other types of promotional materials & supplies.


Please email your request to place an ad on the  APWA High Desert Branch web site to: Webmaster .  Thank you for your inquiry.



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