Any member or non-member individual, group, business or agency will be allowed to sponsor the APWA High Desert Branch web site unless the Branch Board of Directors decides, by majority vote, that it is not in the best interest of the Association.


Web Site Sponsor Annual Advertising Rates
Type of Sponsor APWA Member Organization Rate Non-APWA Organization Rate
Platinum Sponsor
(logo and/or link on branch home page)


Gold Sponsor (logo and/or link on Web Site Sponsors page) $200 $500

APWA Branch web site sponsors will be solicited at least once per year at the beginning of the year.


1) Branch website development, maintenance and operation;

            2) Branch supplies for any type of communication;

            3) Branch expenses for other types promotional materials/supplies.


Please email your request to become an APWA High Desert Branch web site sponsor to: Webmaster .
Thank you for your generous support of this association.

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