By-laws Amendment Number 1 (Approved on 12-12-00)

By-laws Amendment Number 2 (Approved on 12-10-02)

By-laws Amendment Number 3 (Approved on 12-16-03)

By-laws Amendment Number 4 (Approved on 12-16-03)



Name and Objective

The organization shall be known as the High Desert Branch of the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association.

Section 2.     The object of this branch shall be the furtherance of the purposes of the American Public Works Association as set forth in its constitution and the objectives of the Southern California Chapter as set forth in its by-laws.



Section 1.     The membership of this Branch shall consist of members of any grade of the American Public Works Association residing and/or employed within the jurisdictional area of this Branch and registered with the Secretary of the Branch.

Section 2.     Jurisdictional area of this Branch shall include the area described in exhibit A.


Officers and Executive Committees

Section 1.     The officers of this Branch shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

Section 2.     The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Directors from the at-large membership of the branch.

Section 3.     All officers of the Branch and members of the Executive Committee must hold membership in the American Public Works Association and be in good standing.


Duties of the Executive Committee and Officers

Section1.     The Executive Committee shall manage all of the affairs of the Branch, subject to the rules and regulations of the Board of Directors of the American Public Works Association under its constitution, of the Southern California Chapter under its by-laws, and the by-laws of this Branch in meeting assembled. It shall administer the affairs of this Branch in a manner consistent with the objectives of the American Public Works Association; shall audit the annual financial report of the Treasurer; and when vacancies occur in Branch offices, shall appoint officers necessary to fill unexpired terms.

The Executive Committee shall have no power to create, or to authorize any liabilities against the American Public Works Association and/or the Southern California Chapter except with the specific and formal delegation of authority in each instance by the governing body of the American Public Works Association or the Executive Committee of the Southern California Chapter.

Section 2.     Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President, or in his absence, by the Vice-President. A special meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the Secretary upon written request of any three members of the Committee. Such meeting to be held within two weeks of the filing of the request with the Secretary if feasible.

Section 3.     The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Branch under the direction of the Executive Committee. S/he shall preside at all Branch meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee at which s/he may be present and shall be ex-officio member of all committees. S/he shall appoint all committees, standing and special.

Section 4.     The Secretary shall keep all records and keep all correspondence of the Branch. S/he shall forward a transcript of all minutes of meetings and annual report to the Executive Committee of the Southern California Chapter.

Section 5.     The Treasurer shall collect Branch dues, receive all Branch funds and deposit them in the name of the Branch. S/he shall make and account for all disbursements incident to the activities of the Branch. S/he shall submit to the Executive Committee at the annual Branch meeting a complete financial report of the year preceding and reports at such other times as may be requested by the Executive Committee. S/he shall submit an annual report of the Branch, outlining its activities and including the financial report to the Executive Committee.




Section 1.     The schedule of Branch meetings shall be determined by the Executive Committee each year. The annual meeting is to be held in the last quarter of the year, with the date and place to be determined by the Executive Committee. The membership shall be notified by mail, fax or e-mail at least two weeks in advance of the date and place of the annual meeting.



Section 1.     A majority of executive committee members shall constitute a quorum at an Executive Committee meeting.

Section 2.     Nine members shall constitute a quorum to do business at a meeting of members, except as is required for amendments to the by-laws as defined in Article IX.


Dues, Withdrawals and Expulsions

Section 1.     The dues paid to the American Public Works Association by each member registered as a member of the Branch shall be considered the regular annual dues of such member to the Branch, except as provided for in Article VII (3) below.

Section 2.     Any member of the Branch whose dues have been fully paid may withdraw from the Branch in good standing by sending to the Secretary a written resignation. Members six months or more in arrears on dues shall be dropped from the Branch rolls. Members so dropped shall not again be eligible for membership in the Branch until all arrears have been paid up.

Section 3.     Additional dues as set by the Executive Committee may be required and used only by the Branch for Branch activities. Additional activities to raise funds for the Branch may be undertaken.


Election of Officers

Section 1.     The President shall appoint a nominating committee of three members, who at the annual meeting of the Branch shall submit nominees for the Branch offices. Additional nominations for any office may be made by members at that meeting.

Section 2.      The election of officers shall take place at the annual meeting of the Branch. A majority of votes cast by qualified voting members present electing shall determine the outcome. All members of the Branch in good standing who are present shall be eligible to vote.

Section 3.     All officers of the Branch shall be elected for a term of one year. The Directors shall be elected for a term of one year. All officers and Directors shall begin their term of office on January 1 immediately following their election.



Section 1.     Proposed amendments to these by-laws, including boundary changes, must be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing, signed by not less than five members in good standing.

Section 2.     If the Executive Committee approves, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the membership either:

  1. at a meeting of the Branch or
  2. by mail or hand delivered for letter ballot.

An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the qualified votes cast shall be necessary for the adoption of a proposed amendment.

Section 3.     If the Executive Committee disapproves the proposed amendment, notice shall be promptly given in writing to the proposers of the amendment, who may demand in writing that the amendment be submitted to the Branch, in which event the procedure as set forth in Section 2 of this Article shall be followed.

Section 4.     These by-laws and such amendments as may be made from time to time shall take effect upon adoption by the Branch, and approval by the Southern California Chapter Board of Directors of the American Public Works Association.

The following signatures affirm approval by the Branch of these by-laws at a regular meeting on November 16,1999.

By-laws Amendment Number 1

By-laws Amendment Number 2

By-laws Amendment Number 3


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